Together we give! Background of books.

Ensure the library’s tomorrow!

Your gift allows Centre County Library and Historical Museum to continue serving the people of Centre County, Pennsylvania and beyond. We are a free community destination providing books, information, Internet access, and technology resources to preserve our heritage and promote a lifetime of reading and learning. This is true at each of our 4 locations, online, and wherever our librarians provide outreach in the community. Your support makes the fulfillment of this mission a reality.

Centre County Library & Historical Museum logo. Thank you for your support. Together, we raised over $31,000 in the 2024 Annual Fund Campaign! Icon of an open hand holding a heart.

Our Annual Fund Campaign Results:

Our hearts are full of gratitude! Through the generosity of over 280 supporters, over $31,000 was raised during the Annual Fund Campaign to help support Centre County Library - Bellefonte, Centre Hall Area Branch Library, Holt Memorial Library, our PA Room, and our Historical Museum throughout 2025. Supporters throughout Centre County make what we do at the library possible, helping to fund our operations, volunteering labor and much more. Thank you so much to each of the 280+ groups and individuals that gave to Centre County Library & Historical Museum during the Annual Fund Campaign. Your gifts are integral towards powering our libraries and museum.

Corporate Support

Your business can earn Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) and/or sponsor specific library programs.


Centre Gives

Centre Gives is the single largest annual giving event that happens in Centre County, PA. It occurs for 36 hours during the month of May. Centre County Library & Historical Museum participates in this event every year. Visit the Centre Gives website to learn more.

Annual Fund Campaign

Gifts made during the Annual Appeal of Centre County Library & Historical Museum, our largest fundraiser of the year, go towards supporting operating costs for all of our locations each year. During the Annual Fund Campaign of 2024/2025 we raised over $31,000 with the help of supporters like you. Gifts will be used to add hundreds of books, audiobooks and digital resources to our collections, help us keep pace with technology and aid in sharing a love of reading with generations of young children.

Share Your Story

Your generosity inspires others! If you’d like to share the story behind why or how you support the library, please send us an email at Your story could motivate others to take advantage of the services you care about or encourage them to support the library in new ways!

Other Ways to Give

Give via United Way

Donations to Centre County United Way that are over $100 may be designated to Centre County Library & Historical Museum. Please consider this option when giving to Centre County United Way.

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